Friday, May 8, 2009

Madonna’s hot, again


The Mail’s campaign against womankind has hit a new peak in its coverage of Madonna’s not-horrible desire to adopt a Malawian child, Mercy. On Monday, Madonna attended a high-profile fashion event in New York, wearing an amusingly silly couture outfit by Louis Vuitton. “Is that really a suitable dress for someone trying to win an adoption case, Madonna?” screeched the Mail. “She wore an outfit that breached the limits of vulgarity, and displayed her typically arrogant thinking.” The Mail seemed to believe that the items of clothing automatically made her unfit for motherhood. Back in Malawi, Mercy’s biological father — who emerged at the exact point that a multimillionairess announced she wanted to adopt the child — commented: “I don’t think Madonna . . . portrays good morals. In Malawi, women respect themselves. Cultured women do not go about half-naked. Spare my Mercy that scandal.” Conventional Wisdom feels discomfited living in a country where the views of one of the biggest-selling newspapers accord with those of an ill-educated Malawian security guard who abandoned his unborn child and its mother the moment he learnt of the pregnancy. Still, the magazine’s nice and glossy, isn’t it?

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