Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tori Amos gets what Madonna is about

You worked with Christian Lamb, who filmed Madonna’s last tour, on the visualettes.
It took us a year and a half to film this stuff and I’d I get a call from him and he’d say, “I’m going to be filming with Madonna here, can you fly in?” And I’d find myself scheduling my life around Miss Thing -- without her even knowing it, of course. And I’m sitting there and the husband is saying, “Where are you going?” And I said, “I don’t know! Where’s Madonna?” And he said, “You’re not serious!” And I said, “I am serious!”

[Laughing] Did you hang out with her?
Of course not! No! No! No! Two lionesses, different parts of the Serengeti. And it’s fine -- I have great respect for her and her work ethic and what she does -- I do. But I remember this little artist who has sold many records herself coming up to me and she said, “I went up to Madonna and I told her how much she meant to me.” She’s sitting there confessing this to me a couple of years ago and I’m thinking Stupid!

Why would she do that? Why? Why!
Why! And I’ve become like Mother Confessor and she’s sitting there with me in the British Airways first class lounge and I’m thinking how the fuck did I end up with this while she’s having a hang-over and she says, “I just have to tell you…so I say to Madonna, ‘You have meant so much to me and to my career…’” And I’m just waiting for it and she says, “Madonna just looks at my shoes and says, ‘Those are so last season.’”

And I said, “But why did you go to her with no self-worth?” Because she’s going to hate that! “If you really have been influenced by her, so-and-so,” I said, “Then look in the mirror and be the gorgeous women you are! You don’t need the approval.” And come on -- Madonna’s going to smell the blood.

She’s ready to lap it up.
And I said, “You set yourself up for that one.” And this singer said, “But I just didn’t know why it was necessary for her to respond like that.” And I told her, “It wasn’t necessary but you set yourself up. Take some responsibility!” Tongue up the ass – it’s just so boring.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

please. get a life. the minute you give up the celebrity will be the minute you realize your own potential. please....get a life