Sunday, March 8, 2009


Daily Express

By Wendy Salisbury

THE author of a risqu„ memoir about dating unsuitably young men applauds Madonna`s 20-something lover. All women need to feel as young as possible, says WENDY SALISBURY...
Madonna dating a new toyboy? Well, there's a surprise!

To quote Shakespeare: Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.

I applaud any woman of a certain age who fills her life with love, laughter and that key element: variety.

After all it's worked for Susan Sarandon, Goldie Hawn and Joan Collins for years. Even younger stars such as Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry and Kelly Brook are getting in on the act.

I'm 63 and I've been dating younger men since my second divorce at 42.

My first toyboy encounter was with a 19-year-old and I confess when I found out how young he was I was shocked.

Since then I have stopped "counting numbers" because, frankly, it's irrelevant. If two people are attracted to each other what difference should their ages make? Disapproval comes from those who do not dare.

The flattery factor of being approached by a younger man is like having new batteries installed inside you.

You know they have the pick from your daughter's generation but how cool is it that they chose you?

It lifts your spirits, revitalises your energy and reaches the parts older men cannot. All of this acts like a youth injection to keep you looking and feeling young again.

I spent my 50th birthday skiing with a 28-year-old in Aspen and another young man in his 30s surprised me recently by turning up on my doorstep in a chauffeur-driven Bentley to whisk me off to see The Eagles in concert.

Toyboys enjoy being spontaneous and romantic. They hardly ever cross my threshold without bringing champagne, chocolates or flowers and I often let them cook dinner for me.

Nothing is more seductive than sitting at my own kitchen table watching a beautiful boy wearing little more than a floral pinny preparing me a delicious meal. I'm sure Nigella would swap places with me in a heartbeat!

Les liaisons amoureuses of older women and younger men are no longer the preserve of celebrities.

Vibrant older women everywhere are wising up to the fact that they are still fit, feisty and fabulous but their same age partners are often not.

I am a mother and grandmother and I embrace my family and friends to the full but embrace an older man?

Never! I'm too full of vim and vigour to sit at home night after night watching him flip the TV channels.

Although society dictates that I should be with a partner aged between 65 and 70, the last time I tried to conform he spent the evening discussing his prostate.

My current beau is 28. We met on a dating website and he's gorgeous, funny and fascinated by me and I can't say that about a lot of men my age.

Younger men are attracted to older women because of our life experience and the fact that we know what we want.

Unlike our younger sisters, this is not marriage and babies nor a desire to get drunk and throw up in the gutter.

I'm often asked how, at my age, I dare take my clothes off in front of a 28-year-old. My answer is: in the dark or by candlelight.

Although I look after myself with a healthy regime of carb control and yoga, of course my body's ageing.

The attraction for younger men is the whole package so there's no need to beat yourself up if your triceps are morphing into bingo wings. Just eat less and exercise more.

I'm also asked what we find to talk about. I'm tempted to answer: "Who wants to talk?" but the truth is two intelligent people, no matter what their ages, can always find topics of conversation.

Apart from my two marriages, two divorces, 18 house moves, spates of living abroad, two children and three grandchildren, I lost my virginity to a bullfighter, saw The Beatles live twice and know how to dance the fandango so I'm not short of a story or two.

The boys have usually been to university and toured the world so there's always a tale for them to add.

Toyboys may not come to your doorstep, although I did meet an estate agent and a CID officer that way.

I've had close encounters walking down the street, in the supermarket, at art galleries and on holiday. Just keep your antennae up.

I'm happy to say that I'm still in touch with many ex-lovers including my original 19-year-old, who just turned 40.

My advice to all those ladies out there tempted to enjoy the firm fitness of fresher flesh is you go girls, as I intend to do for as long as I'm able.

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