Monday, April 6, 2009

Italy: Quake-city mayor appeals to Madonna for help


Rome, 6 April (AKI) - The mayor of the small Italian town of Pacentro, launched an appeal to US pop-star and entertainer Madonna on Monday to help the town collect funds to help the people of the central region of Abruzzo affected by a devastating quake. Madonna's paternal grandparents lived in Pacentro until 1919.

"If Madonna used her popularity to bring world attention to the tragedy of the people of Abruzzo, it would be a beautiful thing. She would be lending us a helping hand," said Fernando Caparso, the mayor of Pacentro in an interview with Adnkronos International (AKI).

"Who would be better than her? A Ciccone, to help this part of the world," said Caparso, referring to Madonna's Italian last name.

Madonna's full name is Madonna Louise Ciccone

Pacentro "did not have any dead or injured residents, but only damages to old structures as well as the main church. However, there was so much fear, and we are now focused on helping our neighbours that have lost everything: This is why I ask Madonna to use her influence."

In 1987, Madonna visited Pacentro, where he met her cousins.

Monday's devastating earthquake in the mountainous Abruzzo region killed at least 92 people and injured 1,500 others.

The 6.3 magnitude earthquake struck the capital of the Abruzzo region, L'Aquila, as well as damaging 25 other cities including Pacentro and towns at 3:32 am local time. It was followed by a series of weaker tremors.

Between 3,000 to 10,000 buildings were reduced to rubble and L'Aquila's university hospital has been declared off limits amid fears it could collapse.

Between 30,000 to 40,000 people are said to have lost their homes.

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